Habitas Bacalar | Always In the Current

Habitas I A Global Home for a Global Community

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In Bacalar, we learn to go beyond the observation of our natural surroundings. Throughout the slow days, we allow dialogue to occur through the vibrant blues and greens; rustling leaves and flowing water; utter silence and gentle breezes. Kindly and gently, they ask our permission to be still so that we may feel the electric energy of life pulsating all around us. ⁠

By getting lost in the moment, our deepest parts rise up to say hello, meeting us where we are and acting as welcome reminders that we are more than labels and things. At our essence, we are both unique and alike–all of us connected to the power of nature. ⁠

At our Home by the lagoon, we move slowly–but always in the current. ⁠

#HabitasBacalar #OurHabitas #LiveInspired

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